Beckjord blog on Bigfoot,Nessie, UFOs, Crop Circles, aliens, & world events.

Discusses BIGFOOT, LOCH NESS MONSTER, CROP CIRCLES, UFOS, AND THINGS OF LIKE ILK. By " The World's Most Advanced Cryptozoologist". (available to media by Website - all photos available for use by licensing with portion of proceeds to go to UC Davis School of Vet. Medicine.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Breaking Bigfoot News - New Bigfoot photo enlarged

The BIRO group in Berkeley,CA has enlarged and enhanced their "Real Deal Bigfoot" photo from
the sept. expedition, for easier viewing.


or call 510-878-2468

Friday, November 10, 2006

Conservative talk shows in disarray. Upset! Demos won.

They ask "What can we do, to win back our lost seats? "

The answer is simple, dummies, GET OUT OF IRAQ.


RUMSFELD GOT SCREWED, but glad he is gone

Rummy got the sh*t end of the stick by Bush, who had pledged Rummy would stay to the bitter end.
But now there is a chance Bush can use the new def. sec, to slip in some withdrawal.

He can say he is following new advice.



The first step in the acceptance of an idea is when people say, "Ho,ho, well, he probably disappeared into
a wormhole in space-time, ho ho..."

It then but a short step to saying, "Well ,he may have disappeared into a wormhole."

And someday, maybe in 50-100-500 years, they can say "He did disappear into a wormhole."

Now, Bigfoot has disappeared in front of me, and also in front of about 6 others, reported, and probably
100 others, not-reported. We also have cases of the farmer who walked into a field and vanished
while his family watched, Michael Rockefeller in New Guinea, Amelia Erhart, the Gallipoli troops
disappearance in 1915, entire ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle, DB Cooper, Judge Crater, Jimmy Hoffa, and many,many more as seen on pages 114-135 of the book, "Mysteries of the Unexplained"
by Readers Digest Books, 1992. (I am also in this book, on page 164, but I refuse to vanish, which annoys many.)

Now it is true some of these people, ships or planes, may be on the bottom of the ocean, but others
where witnesses watched them vanish are more likely to have actually gone to another universe,
where they may be alive today. By the same logic, your own mother or father or other loved one,
may be alive and well, in another universe where they never died of whatever they did die from in
this universe. (So grieve not. My dog Rudy is capering about in a different place.)

The same goes for "apprearances", such as the palace guard in 1583 who was stationed in Manila,
and mysteriously showed up for duty in Mexico City (4000 miles away) instead. Here, he went possibly into
a transverse wormhole that took him from one country to another, but in the same time. No jet planes
in 1583. Then the "Green Children" of Banjos,Spain, who appeared suddenly in a cave, and said
they came from a "sunless land" and that a whirlwind took them to the cave. Neither spoke Spanish
and one had to be taught. We end with Kaspar Hauser, another mysterious appearer.

So some people may disappear to avoid a bad marriage, but others may go through a wormhole.
An idea whose time has come.

Discuss @


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bigfoot: new ideas drive old-school Bigfoot hunters nuts.

These come from my upcoming book, "Sex,Lies & Bigfoot" and they help resolve a national
confusion over why, after all these years (Vancouver Columbian) their favorite wildlife photographer
has never seen nor photographed Bigfoot. Well, of course, even woodsmen with 50 years in the woods
do not usually see Bigfoot, but kids sometimes do, and increasingly, women sometimes do, and men who
have women and kids with them, sometimes do.

But the main answer to WHY??? comes from modern advanced theoretical physics, with all its
confusing black holes, wormholes, string theory and quantum mechanics. Drs Michio Kaku, (CCNY)
and Fred Allen Wolf (writer - "Parallel Universes" ) now suggest that there are multiple parallel universes
out there, of which we are merely one. Some universes have left for right, others have mirror images
of us, others are blank, others just have amoebas and still others have advanced civilizations.

These professors also suggest that things can come from one to another. Like falling fish, lost soldiers from 1788, ufos, culture-bearing prophets in fish costume (Oannes), annunaki, spirits, ghosts, psychic phenomena and bigfoot- and -Nessie.

They come, they manifest, and sometimes stay and sometimes leave when shot at. Photos on my website
show a "half-Bigfoot" in the act of manifesting here.
A new photo, by myself but unknowingly, taken 9/27/06 shows a ten foot BF that decided to manifest
by my car when I was safely 200 feet away and across a creek.

All this drives traditional gun-rack and six-pack bigfooters nuts. Carmine Biscardi with his "cannon-fired
nets" and Tazer-gun, will have none of it. Loren Colemun and Matt Moneytaker, the other members of the
modern Bigfoot Three Stooges, also raise their hands and say - "Fie, fie, away!" -- why? Because if true,
there will be no bigfoot body to drag in on board a pickup truck to sell for $5 million.

Sorry - it seems to be so, because many witnesses now have seen Bigfoot truly vanish and others
have found tracks in snow or mud that do the same. (Including me)

Eat your heart out. Send $1.00 and $3.00 shipping and get a genuine Good Will Industries
"Bigfoot Crying Pillow" -- call 510-878-2468

Big Fat Grin Jon-Erik Beckjord,BA,MBA

Biscardi worthless nonsense on Bigfoot

will quit funding her boyfriend Carmine Biscardi.

He roams around the country, spendng her cash, paying three guys to go with him, with the intent of capturing a Bigfoot and selling it for $5 million.

He shows up now on Indian reservations, regaling the locals wiht his stories and now he says he has:

1) a tranquillizer gun (and permit??????????????)

2) a Taser (permit?)

3) a net-firing cannon.

All this is absurd. BF knows your plans, and he will never get near one.

He'd have to lure one to within 50 feet or less, for any of it to work.

NO WAY, JOSE. Bigfoot has a higher IQ than Carmine Biscardi.


Jon-Erik Beckjord

Friday, November 03, 2006

Bigfoot professor hunted by lesser teacher at ISU

Martin Hackworth, MS, is out to get Jeff Meldrum,PhD at ISU, for writing a book on

Hackworth, a physics lab instructor, should be aware that one of the Big Stars in physics,
Dr.Michio Kaku, CCNY theoretical physics,(SEE PHOTO) and DrFred Allen Wolf, author, and
movie star in a physics movie, (What the bleep ? down the rabbit hole) both feel that
BIGFOOT may be coming and going via a space-time "wormhole" between parallel

Thus, Meldrum maybe doing very very advanced work to verify this.

Reach the DEAN of Arts and Sciences, Dr John Kijinsky, at 208-282-3055
to support Meldrum/

Jon-Erik Beckjord, a mere MBA, 510-878-2468

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bigfoot hunting and its sociology -

The Sociology of Bigfoot Hunting

Well, here's mine -- I have a BA in sociology:

The bigfoot field attracts people with no education, because it
allows them to get famous for looking for Bigfoot, even if they never find anything. No degrees are needed just to search.

In the process, persons join groups for social outlets and for
banding together for mutual support when they find nothing much.
It becomes very important as to which group one is in, like street gangs.
The gangs or groups hang out on the internet and cluster around forums that
reflect their worldview. Each group attacks the others, and their leaders.
All this covers up the lack of any major findings. If any one person, or group, does find anything, such as a photo or a video, all opposing members
immediately attack the video or photo, since it is not from them. If some
person does get in the papers, he is attacked by the other groups and supported by his own.
If that person is able to defend themselves, the other groups put up a barrier
of silence.

If, as Dr Krantz suggested, science does get fully involved, which is unlikely,
then all Bigfooters become irrelevant. Unless science fails to find anything.
So far, no scientist has succeeded due to the inherent (stange)nature of the alleged creatures.
Thus, the amateurs will go on, and on and on. (and the "BS" will go on, and on and on and on.
Remember, 99% of all Bigfoot "fans" have never seen Bigfoot and 95% never get into the woods. :-)

Jon-Erik Beckjord, BA,MBA "Worlds Most Advanced Cryptozoologist" media call 510-878-2468
Bigfooters call 415-289-2277

Nessie - so what is it after all? I've filmed it.

A ‘Loch Ness Monster’ theory which suggests the creature is a living dinosaur has been dealt a blow by scientists.
Many believe that ‘Nessie’ is a plesiosaur — a long-necked marine reptile — which sought refuge in Scotland’s second-largest freshwater loch when most of the species died out 160 million years ago.
But Dr.Leslie Noe, a palaeontologist at ‘Cambridge University’s’ ‘Sedgwick Museum‘, discovered that the plesiosaur would have been unable to lift its head up, swan-like, out of the water.
Most scientists believe the creatures became extinct with the other dinosaurs, but some insist it is possible that after the last Ice Age, some plesiosaurs may have been stranded in the 23-mile-long loch, which was connected to the sea.
The plesiosaur has a prominent small head on a long neck and a round body, and is the most popular explanation for mythical Nessie.
Dr.Noe, whose findings are reported in this month’s New Scientist, told experts at a meeting of ‘The Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology‘ in Canada, that plesiosaurs used their long necks to reach down and feed on soft-bodied animals living on the sea floor. By examining fossils of a plesiosaur, Muraenosaurus, and by calculating the articulation of the neck bones, Dr.Noe concluded the neck was flexible and could move most easily when pointing down. Dr.Noe said:
‘The neck was a feeding tube, collecting soft-bodied prey. The osteology of the neck makes it certain the plesiosaur could not lift its head up, swan-like, out of the water.’
However, the findings did not surprise Mr.George Edwards, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the monster, who took a photograph of a unknown ‘creature’ with a black hump he spotted on the loch in 1986-06.
Mr.Edwards, from Drumnadrochit, who runs Loch Ness cruises on his boat, ‘The Nessie Hunter’, said:
‘Most people don’t support the dinosaur theory. The creature is some entirely new species. When you consider that every year in the open seas thousands of new species are discovered, this is the most likely explanation. But there’s no doubt that a creature, one with a single hump, which most people report, does exist.’
Monstrous tale is centuries old
The earliest reference to ‘Nessie’ was in the life story of St.Columba who, in August 565, apparently fought off a monster from Loch Ness that was attacking a Pict.
The first modern sighting was on 1933-05-02 when ‘The Inverness Courier Newspaper’ reported a couple seeing ‘an enormous animal rolling and plunging on the surface’. The London newspapers sent reporters to Scotland and a circus offered a 20 000 GBP reward for the capture of ‘The Monster’.
‘Scientist pours cold water on Loch Ness dinosaur theory’, Shan Ross, The Scotsman, 2006-11-02 00:37 UTC

1. Jon-Erik Beckjord - 2006-11-02
I agree, Nessie cannot be a pliesosaur becauseI have filmed it in 1983 in 16mm colour, and it appears to be aten foot white slug-like object with horns or antennae thatoozes along like an inchworm.
I also feel it is a space-time being that comes and goes at will fromother parallel universes, and thus cannot be caught.
Jon-Erik Beckjord 510-878-2468 USA

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

UFOs,Bigfoot, and insane security guard at Univ. of Oregon


Jon-Erik Beckjord, MBA

Re insults to UFO and Bigfoot researchers. Gross defamation. Libel.

ROYCE J. MYERS III works as a security guard for the University, and has an egregious website thatgrossly insults SHIRLEY MACLAINE, actress, MADELINE VOS SAVANT, renowned Parade Magazine columnist,LINDA MOULTON HOWE, Emmy-Award winning TV producer, and PAMELA STONEBROOK, jazz performer.He also insults 20 or more people whoare involved in the psychic and anomalies research fields. Also PARADE MAGAZINE in sunday papers.
His main site is
His "Hall of Shame" is
His page on PAMELA STONEBROOK, jazz performer, is
He also insults four other women on his site.
Myers is reputed by witnesses to work on his defamatory and insulting website on a computer in the U of OStudent Union bldg, during work time, thus involving the University in an upcoming LAWSUIT for$1,000,000 soon to be filed in federal court, district 9.
According to Sean David Morton, also insulted on that site, and his wife, also insulted:
"He is a violent, unaccomplished campus rent a cop, that has beaten up on students pretending to be a realpoliceman (how he escaped "impersonating an officer" charges is beyond me) that comes from a trailer park,..."
Also to be named is GODADDY.COM, his internet provider, which refuses to take down his defamatory site.BOB PARSONS is CEO of GODADDY, located in AZ.
ALUMNI, supporters, employees, students, and members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Oregonshould give serious consideration as to whom is representing them, de facto, on the Internet for libel anddefamation of women.
Contact President of the University : David Frohnmayer 541-346-3036
Contact Royce Myers at his security guard shack at the University of Oregon - evening shift- after 5 pm.Write to Myers for his side of the issue- Royce J. Myers III, c/o Campus Security Office, University of OregonEugene, OR 97403 -- mail will get there.
Ask the President why this man is on staff. David Rohnmayer, President, University of OregonEugene, OR 97403 Should mentally unstable people carry guns and handcuffs on campus?

541-346-5444 Call Royce, usually after 5 pm, but not always, and get his side of this issue. Let's be fair.
He is reputed to live in Eugene,Oregon. He will soon be sued for $1,000,000 for defamation in federal court.
His wife runs a dry cleaners, in Eugene,OR. Myers is trailer trash, and lives in a trailer complex.
WE DEMAND A TOTAL REMOVAL OF THE ENTIRE UFOWATCHDOG SITE.Myers: got $7,000 out front for an attorney? Thought not. Insults arenot covered by free speech. Nor is malicious defamation.
Wade Myers: we feel sorry for you to have such a dad. Really sorry. We mean it. It is not your fault.
webmaster -

Bigfoot alleged hoaxes - enough already on Wallace - all BS.


enough already over and over and over, on Mike Wallace, son of hoaxer
Ray Wallace. I am endlessly amazed at the gullibility of the US media. If anyone,
no matter how asinine, stupid or mindless, comes forth, saying they faked
bigfoot tracks or a Bigfoot movie,etc, THEY WILL BUY IT! I guess the asinine
buy the stories of the asinine.

KATU in the Pac NW runs a story about Mike Wallace, saying his dad (who I knew)
was using "Bigfoot sandals" (carved wooded feet) to create Bigfoot tracks that
fooled everybody.

Total stupidity and bull sh*t. I've followed miles of Bigfoot tracks in Washington,
often in snow or mud, and they show -- hey wake up -- FLEXIBILITY and EXTREME
DEPTH. The toes squish thru the mud and no two tracks are the same. Large wood
"feet" simply do-not-make-any-serious-impression. It is like wearing filled-in showshoes
on dirt. A man's weight is spread out over many square inches (the snowshoe effect)
and he makes almost no impression.

Why cannot otherwise skeptical tv producers "get it" ? Maybe go back to the streets
and get a few "street smarts" . Or is it just "any story for a show" ?

Bah! Jon-Erik Beckjord, BA,MBA, Mensa member.

Visit for latest valid Bigfoot

Producers - call me at 510-878-2468 -- let's get good info out there.

PS, Bigfoot will NOT eat you.