Beckjord blog on Bigfoot,Nessie, UFOs, Crop Circles, aliens, & world events.

Discusses BIGFOOT, LOCH NESS MONSTER, CROP CIRCLES, UFOS, AND THINGS OF LIKE ILK. By " The World's Most Advanced Cryptozoologist". (available to media by Website - all photos available for use by licensing with portion of proceeds to go to UC Davis School of Vet. Medicine.

Friday, November 10, 2006


The first step in the acceptance of an idea is when people say, "Ho,ho, well, he probably disappeared into
a wormhole in space-time, ho ho..."

It then but a short step to saying, "Well ,he may have disappeared into a wormhole."

And someday, maybe in 50-100-500 years, they can say "He did disappear into a wormhole."

Now, Bigfoot has disappeared in front of me, and also in front of about 6 others, reported, and probably
100 others, not-reported. We also have cases of the farmer who walked into a field and vanished
while his family watched, Michael Rockefeller in New Guinea, Amelia Erhart, the Gallipoli troops
disappearance in 1915, entire ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle, DB Cooper, Judge Crater, Jimmy Hoffa, and many,many more as seen on pages 114-135 of the book, "Mysteries of the Unexplained"
by Readers Digest Books, 1992. (I am also in this book, on page 164, but I refuse to vanish, which annoys many.)

Now it is true some of these people, ships or planes, may be on the bottom of the ocean, but others
where witnesses watched them vanish are more likely to have actually gone to another universe,
where they may be alive today. By the same logic, your own mother or father or other loved one,
may be alive and well, in another universe where they never died of whatever they did die from in
this universe. (So grieve not. My dog Rudy is capering about in a different place.)

The same goes for "apprearances", such as the palace guard in 1583 who was stationed in Manila,
and mysteriously showed up for duty in Mexico City (4000 miles away) instead. Here, he went possibly into
a transverse wormhole that took him from one country to another, but in the same time. No jet planes
in 1583. Then the "Green Children" of Banjos,Spain, who appeared suddenly in a cave, and said
they came from a "sunless land" and that a whirlwind took them to the cave. Neither spoke Spanish
and one had to be taught. We end with Kaspar Hauser, another mysterious appearer.

So some people may disappear to avoid a bad marriage, but others may go through a wormhole.
An idea whose time has come.

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