Beckjord blog on Bigfoot,Nessie, UFOs, Crop Circles, aliens, & world events.

Discusses BIGFOOT, LOCH NESS MONSTER, CROP CIRCLES, UFOS, AND THINGS OF LIKE ILK. By " The World's Most Advanced Cryptozoologist". (available to media by Website - all photos available for use by licensing with portion of proceeds to go to UC Davis School of Vet. Medicine.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bigfoot: new ideas drive old-school Bigfoot hunters nuts.

These come from my upcoming book, "Sex,Lies & Bigfoot" and they help resolve a national
confusion over why, after all these years (Vancouver Columbian) their favorite wildlife photographer
has never seen nor photographed Bigfoot. Well, of course, even woodsmen with 50 years in the woods
do not usually see Bigfoot, but kids sometimes do, and increasingly, women sometimes do, and men who
have women and kids with them, sometimes do.

But the main answer to WHY??? comes from modern advanced theoretical physics, with all its
confusing black holes, wormholes, string theory and quantum mechanics. Drs Michio Kaku, (CCNY)
and Fred Allen Wolf (writer - "Parallel Universes" ) now suggest that there are multiple parallel universes
out there, of which we are merely one. Some universes have left for right, others have mirror images
of us, others are blank, others just have amoebas and still others have advanced civilizations.

These professors also suggest that things can come from one to another. Like falling fish, lost soldiers from 1788, ufos, culture-bearing prophets in fish costume (Oannes), annunaki, spirits, ghosts, psychic phenomena and bigfoot- and -Nessie.

They come, they manifest, and sometimes stay and sometimes leave when shot at. Photos on my website
show a "half-Bigfoot" in the act of manifesting here.
A new photo, by myself but unknowingly, taken 9/27/06 shows a ten foot BF that decided to manifest
by my car when I was safely 200 feet away and across a creek.

All this drives traditional gun-rack and six-pack bigfooters nuts. Carmine Biscardi with his "cannon-fired
nets" and Tazer-gun, will have none of it. Loren Colemun and Matt Moneytaker, the other members of the
modern Bigfoot Three Stooges, also raise their hands and say - "Fie, fie, away!" -- why? Because if true,
there will be no bigfoot body to drag in on board a pickup truck to sell for $5 million.

Sorry - it seems to be so, because many witnesses now have seen Bigfoot truly vanish and others
have found tracks in snow or mud that do the same. (Including me)

Eat your heart out. Send $1.00 and $3.00 shipping and get a genuine Good Will Industries
"Bigfoot Crying Pillow" -- call 510-878-2468

Big Fat Grin Jon-Erik Beckjord,BA,MBA


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